Croeso i ap daith ddwyieithog Heddwch yn y Ddinas.
Welcome to the bilingual Peace in the City tour app.
Yn fyd-eang, ac yn gymharol ddiweddar, datblygwyd y syniad o deithiau heddwch trwy ddinasoedd a threfi Prydain i gofio trychinebau’r Rhyfel Mawr a’r Ail Ryfel Byd. Yng Nghymru fe gafwyd eisoes deithiau heddwch poblogaidd yn nhrefi Caerfyrddin a Chaernarfon. Teimlai’r gangen leol o Gymdeithas y Cymod y dylai fod Caerdydd hefyd yn paratoi taith gyffelyb. Yr oedd Jon Gower yn ddewis amlwg i ymgymryd â’r dasg oherwydd ei wybodaeth helaeth am Gaerdydd, ei ddiddordeb ym mhwnc heddwch rhyngwladol a’i allu diamheuol fel ysgrifennwr yn y ddwy iaith.
Dyma gychwyn ar y prosiect heddwch hwn yn y ddinas. Os gwyddoch chi am lefydd eraill y dylid eu cynnwys ar y daith, cysylltwch â Thŷ John Penri, Abertawe.
The 2018 Cardiff National Eisteddfod of Wales was the stimulus for Cardiff to follow the example of towns such as Carmarthen and Caernarfon to produce a Peace Trail. There is a rich vein of pacifism in the city since the days of the Great War (1914–18) and the Second World War (1939–45). It includes institutions such as the Temple of Peace, the BBC’s motto of ‘Nation shall speak peace unto nation’ and the conscientious standpoint of various individuals, often at a high personal sacrifice.
The trail is of the past and present. In March 2018 about 250 people gathered to voice their protest against the Arms Fair – UK’s Premier Defence Procurement Event – at the Motorpoint Arena.
Present that wet March morning was the prolific author of this booklet, Jon Gower, whose Welsh-language novel Y Storïwr won the Wales Book of the Year Award 2012 and whose 2010 novel Uncharted received critical acclaim.
This is the beginning of the peace project in the city. If you know of anywhere else that should be incorporated into the route, do get in touch with Tŷ John Penri, Swansea.